Softility helped one of the world’s largest and Fortune 500 American telecommunications companies save millions of dollars in operational expenses by implementing an innovative Enterprise Data Platform (EDP).
The company offers communications, high-capacity bandwidth and software, premium broadband, entertainment, and security services to businesses across the US. To stay ahead of rapidly changing technology, the telco continuously innovates and offers new and updated offerings to its customers, scaling infrastructure and networks quickly and exponentially in the process.
To manage the rapidly increasing volumes of data, the company needed a one-stop secure platform for the processing and observability of heterogeneous data types with enterprise-wide access. The telco sought Softility’s help in implementing a uniform data collection, retention, processing, and governance platform to minimize operational inefficiencies, eliminate resource duplication, and help leverage data patterns for effective decision-making.
With decades of experience providing high-impact innovative solutions for Fortune 500 companies and some of the world’s largest telecom companies, Softility implemented a robust Enterprise Data Platform (EDP) to help the CSP utilize centrally-available intelligence and reporting to minimize operational inefficiencies and take advantage of data engineering and analytics for greater agility.
We conducted workshops, interviews, and detailed analysis sessions to define a roadmap and help the customer move from the old, disparate, and siloed data collection and processing systems to an intelligent insights-driven unified data platform.
The EDP features the democratization of data from various verticals such as operations, business, customer care, and 3rd party partners. The platform provides Self-Service, Visualization, Correlation, ML, and Analytics through an ‘as-a-service’ model. Data from different internal and external infrastructure sources feed a data management and integration system for processing, governance, and transformation into insights.
Softility leveraged the customer’s data in deriving patterns and relationships that improved overall correlation and event predictions. We provided ready-to-consume, high-quality datasets, analytics, and models by and for various users across the business operations and 3rd party partners.

Minimized operational inefficiencies with centrally powered intelligence | Eliminated costs of resource duplication with improved visualization and reporting | Heightened safeguarding of data artifacts with predictable security & governance |
Effective decision-making wrt capacity investments by leveraging data insights | Smarter data ingestion from diverse on-prem, cloud networks, apps, infra, instances | Enhanced user experience with simplified, organized, clear, purified, and analyzed data |
About Softility
Softility is a digital transformation technology services provider of innovative solutions spanning diverse technology portfolios – cloud adoption and modernization, data engineering and analytics, AI-driven operations, and digital service management. We are the first-choice partner for several businesses requiring unique custom transformational journeys, from early-stage strategic advisory and quick solution design, implementation, and delivery, to managed services. We’re a trusted long-term partner of several large businesses, including Fortune 500 telecom companies, SLEd organizations, healthcare institutions, large enterprises, and federal government institutions that repeatedly choose us over large tech consulting companies for their revolutionary digital transformation journeys.
With customized data analytic solutions powered by modern data architectures, we provide a unified, real-time, and accurate view of your business, enabling you to innovate through data-driven decision-making.